Nasal Strip

Nasal Strip

Compare to: Breath Right®
Size: 30 count
Item: 531
Vicks® VapoInhaler, Menthol

Vicks® VapoInhaler, Menthol

Item: 1212
Vicks® VapoRub Cough Suppressant Ointment

Vicks® VapoRub Cough Suppressant Ointment

Size: 3.53 oz
Item: 1213

Items quantities, sizes and values may change depending upon availability. It may also vary based on manufacturer (example: caplets, tablets, capsules or soft gels).

* Part B/D - Under certain circumstances some items may be covered under either Part B or Part D. When you are eligible to receive these items under Part B or Part D you may not purchase these items through your Part C supplemental OTC benefit. For your convenience, we've marked these items with an (*).

‡ Dual-purpose items are medicines and products that can be used either for a medical condition or for general health and well-being. Although these items do not require a prescription, we recommend that you discuss any new OTC medication with your health care professional.